Terms of Use

Terms and Conditions of Use

The term “Websites” includes all subdomains of Websites and any content, code, data, services, features or functionality made available from or through the Websites. We may change the Terms of Use from time to time, at any time without notice to you, by posting such changes on the Websites. Changes in the Terms of Use will be effective when posted and your continued use of the Websites and/or the services made available on or through the Websites after any changes to the Terms of Use are posted will be considered acceptance of those changes. BY USING THE WEBSITES, YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE TO THESE TERMS OF USE AS APPLIED TO YOUR USE OF THE WEBSITES, AND YOU REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT YOU HAVE THE RIGHT, AUTHORITY AND CAPACITY TO ENTER INTO THIS AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF YOURSELF OR THE ENTITY YOU REPRESENT. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you may not access or otherwise use the Websites.

Limited License
You may access and view the content on the Websites on your computer or other devices and, unless otherwise indicated in these Terms of Use or on the Websites, make single copies or prints of such content for your personal, internal use only. Use of the Websites and the services offered on or through the Websites are only for your personal, non-commercial use.

You must meet any age, geographic or other eligibility requirements specified on the Websites to subscribe to a magazine, publication or service that we offer, to order anything online, to participate in certain contests, games or sweepstakes, or to access or participate in certain services at or areas of our Websites. By registering at those Websites, or for those features or services, you represent that you comply with applicable restrictions. E-commerce areas may include additional restrictions on purchases, return policies, delivery schedules, and the like, depending on individual Website and vendor policies.

Private or Sensitive Information on Public Forums
It is important to remember that comments submitted to a forum may be recorded and stored in multiple places, both on our Websites and elsewhere on the Internet, which are likely to be accessible for a long time and you have no control over who will read them now or in the future. It is therefore important that you are careful and selective about the personal information that you disclose about yourself and others, and in particular, you should not disclose sensitive, embarrassing, proprietary or confidential information in your comments to our public forums.

Linking to the Websites
You agree that if you include a link from any other websites to the Websites, such link shall link to the full version of an HTML formatted page of the Websites. You are not permitted to link directly to any image hosted on the Websites or our services, such as using an “in-line” linking method to cause the image hosted by us to be displayed on another website. You agree not to download or use images hosted on the Websites on another website, for any purpose, including, without limitation, posting such images on another site. You agree not to link from any other website to the Websites in any manner such that the Websites, or any page of the Websites, are “framed,” surrounded or obfuscated by any third party content, materials or branding. We reserve all of our rights under the law to insist that any link to the Websites be discontinued, and to revoke your right to link to the Websites from any other websites at any time upon written notice to you.

Embedded Video Links
Certain pages of the Websites provide the functionality for you to “embed” videos appearing on the page on other web sites or blog pages (together with the Player, as defined herein, the “Embedded Video”). The functionality is provided by giving you the necessary HTML code to include on such page to make that Embedded Video appear. If you include the HTML on a web or blog page, the actual video stream for the Embedded Video will be served from our servers but the Embedded Video may be rendered to the visitor of that page as part of that page. If you elect to embed video on a page, you agree as follows: (i) you will not alter, in any respect, the Embedded Video (including without limitation the content, format, and length and advertising associated therewith) from how it is served from our servers; (ii) you will not facilitate access to the Embedded Video directly or through any video player or other tool other than the video player that is provided by us when the Embedded Video appears (the “Player”); (iii) without limiting the foregoing, you will not link directly to the Embedded Video file; and (iv) the Embedded Video may be used in part for commercial purposes, including on an advertising-supported page, provided that: (a) the Embedded Video shall not be included in, or used as part of, a service that sells access to video content; (b) you shall not insert advertising, sponsorship or promotional messages in, or immediately adjacent to, the Embedded Video or Player; and (c) to the extent you sell any advertising, sponsorship or promotional material to appear on the same page that includes the Embedded Video, the page includes other content not provided by us which is a sufficient basis for such sales. You may not block, inhibit, build upon or disable any portion of the Player, including without limitation links back to our site. You understand and agree that all measured metrics related to the access and viewing of the Embedded Video shall be credited to the Websites. Without limitation of any provision of these Terms of Use, we shall have no liability to you for any reason with respect to your use of Embedded Video and you agree to indemnify, defend and hold us and our affiliates and our affiliates’ directors, officers, employees and agents harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising in any way from your use of the Embedded Video.

These Terms of Use (including the Privacy Policy) constitute the entire agreement between you and us regarding the use of the Websites. Our failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the Terms of Use shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of the Terms of Use is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties’ intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of the Terms of Use remain in full force and effect.